Account Setup

Start using Service BC Connect application programming interfaces (APIs) by following these steps:

  1. Review the specifications in the Service BC Connect API list and read the specifications to find the API(s) that meet your needs.
  2. Set up an account. You will need a BC Registries and Online Services premium account, with Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) as the payment option before you can request access. If you already have an account, proceed to the next step.
  3. Download, review and sign the API Terms Of Use.pdf.
  4. Email your access request for an API Sandbox key to BC Registries.
    • Email
    • Subject: Request for Service BC Connect API sandbox keys
    • Attach your signed API Terms of Use agreement in PDF format.
    • In the body of the email, include your BC Registries and Online Services account number, along with your company’s account administrator’s name and email address.
  5. Upon completion of the access request, you will be issued with a sandbox environment API key with the appropriate access. They will be made available to you via your Account Administrator's BC Registries account dashboard.
  6. Validate your API key credentials by initiating a connection to the Sandbox environment. Also, test your API queries/calls in the Sandbox. Note that no fees will be charged for sandbox API keys or test transactions in the Sandbox environment only.
  7. After completing your testing, email a request for keys to BC Registries Production Environment.
    • Email your request for a production environment API key to
    • Subject: Request for Service BC Connect API Production keys
    • In the body of your email, include your BC Registries account number, name and email of your account administrator.
  8. You will be issued with a production environment API key in your Account Dashboard in the BC Registry application which can be accessed by your Account Administrator(s).
  9. Use the API key for your queries and submission of data. Review the Detailed API documentation for more information about how the APIs work.
  10. Post your technical questions and join discussions in the BC Discourse forum and be sure to watch for any announcements on API outages or new features being released.
  11. Attend the BC Registries API User Group meetings to get updates on specifications and releases or to discuss technical questions with developers. Email to request a meeting invitation.

Questions? View our About APIs.

New to Service BC Connect? Contact the Digital Delivery - Partnerships team for help figuring out what services are right for you.