
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there resources that can help me set up a new Premium account?
    BC Registries offers a BC Registry Application User Guide to help you create a new account in the modernized application. Please note that API services are only available to Premium account holders set up with pre-authorized debit as the payment method.

  1. What payment options are available to pay for transactions completed using an API?
    Pre-authorized debit or Electronic Journal Vouchers for other Ministries are the main payment methods recommended for clients using APIs.

  1. How can I access my organization's API access key code?
    The API key is only available to Account Administrator(s) after logging in to the BC Registries application under Account Information - Developer Tools. You may want to add a developer in the account administrator role, if they need access to the API key code.

  1. How do I authorize the BC Registries API key in order to use it?
    You can authorize the API key that BC Registries provided to you by using your ServiceBC Connect account number that the API key was issued for. Click on Authorize on the specific registry (eg. Registry Search API or Personal Property Registry APIs).

If you require support or have questions, please email bcregistries@gov.bc.ca.